Our Mission

Working together to empower each child to reach their unique potential.

Our Vision

We will provide a natural bicultural environment where children have the freedom to explore their working theories together with links to the local community.

Our Core Values

  • Respect - For our self, others and the environment.

  • Relationships - That are positive, responsive and professional

  • Freedom - To play, move, express and explore.

  • Inclusiveness - To welcome, value, acknowledge and accept.

Our Local Curriculum Priorities

  • Children have a sense of manakitanga; social and emotional competence.

  • Children have a sense of kaitiatanga; guardianship of the earth.

  • Children have a sense of turangawaewae; a feeling of home and belonging.

  • Children have a sense of rangatiratanga; leaders in their own learning.

Our Philosophy

At Little Explorers we believe that all tamariki benefit from a richly resourced environment that challenges and extends their learning. All tamariki are valued and respected as unique individuals and given opportunities to become confident and competent learners. Tamariki will be physically and emotionally safe within our environment and secure in their sense of belonging, facilitated by strong and nurturing relationships between tamariki, kaiako and whānau.

We believe that tamariki need the opportunity to play and explore the environment in their own time and in their own way, including plentiful opportunities to explore the natural environment. We aim to instil in tamariki, a respect for the natural world and knowledge of their place in the wider world. We use sustainable practices like encouraging recycling, composting and having a worm farm. We grow food in our vegetable garden and harvest eggs from our chickens for baking and cooking in the centre. We also encourage empathy and caring through teaching tamariki to care for our centre animals; fish, frog and chickens (depending on the season).

We believe every tamariki has the right to easily accessible quality childhood education provided by highly trained and skilled professionals. As kaiako, we will provide opportunities that enable each tamaiti to reach their full potential as individuals. Kaiako will promote learning and development and support each tamaiti to grow their unique skills and interests by facilitating a child-led programme. The needs and interests of individual tamariki and small groups are regularly documented, assessed and planned for using learning outcomes and the strands of Te Whāriki, New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum.

We aim to equip tamariki with the skills and knowledge they need to flourish in the next chapter of their lives. Whether it is transitioning into the centre, from the nursery to the preschool or from the centre to school. We will use teaching strategies to promote age appropriate numeracy and literacy skills as well as social competence, physical health and wellbeing skills and independence skills. Tamariki are encouraged in their learning and development in a way that is meaningful to them.

We will honour the dual heritage of Aotearoa in accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi to acknowledge and empower tamariki and their whānau. To support this we will use te reo Māori regularly, respect tikanga Māori and provide the tamariki with experiences with natural resources. We will form receptive respectful relationships with all tamariki and their whānau. We will acknowledge whānau diversity, working in partnership to promote care and education for all tamariki. We will facilitate a culture of respect within our centre to support whānau and their tamariki when appropriate.  Children will have opportunities to experience their own and other cultures and to explore the wider community through excursions, special visits at the centre and positive links with nearby schools and community facilities.

 Effective communication with whānau, kaiako and management will ensure that everyone’s needs and aspirations are being met. Ongoing reflection and review of preschool policies, practices and objectives will enable us to meet the changing needs and aspirations of the preschool community.

Our Teachers